Some Pi Lams are doing great things, while others…
Mike Murphy ’03 – Loves Taco Tuesday

After serving and/or employing generations of Pi Lam brothers at Billy Murphy’s Irish Saloon, Murph is branching out. He recently opened Taqueria Cresta in the same East Falls neighborhood as his family bar. Congrats Murph! Yo quiero cerveza.
Michael Tang ’21 – Citizen Soldier

Michael has the unique distinction of being both a Grunt and a Whaleshit! As an undergrad he served in the PA National Guard and was even deployed at City Hall during the protests in 2020. #MilitaryAppreciationMonth
Read his recent interview on the Pi Lambda Phi IHQ website.
Brad Rogers ’93 – Constructing his future

Congrats to Brad on being promoted to Sr. Project Manager by Ally Construction Services, and receiving a very corporate promotion announcement… that was most likely constructed by AI.
Daniel Moss ’20 – Naval power

Batten down the hatches. Dan recently started a new position at Naval Sea Command Warfare Centers as a computer scientist. Apparently, all those hours playing “Call of Duty: Navy SEALs” paid off.
Malcolm Kenyatta ’12 – Democratic candidate for Auditor General

Congratulations to State Representative Kenyatta for winning the primary for PA Auditor General! The auditor general serves as the state’s “chief fiscal watchdog,” ensuring tax dollars are properly managed and spent. He will face the Republican candidate in the general election in November. #Vote
Quentin Holtz ’17 – Health Insurance Ninja

Snaps to Quentin, an Account Executive at Independence Blue Cross, who was recently accepted into the Pennsylvania National Association of Benefits and Insurance Professionals Emerging Leaders Program.
Spring 2024 Graduating Seniors
Congratulations to these gentlemen (now with 38% more “Nicks”) who will be presumably joining the ranks of a productive American workforce. Good luck brothers!
Kieran Beaudin
Nick Cornell
Nick Delgrande
Nick Dignetti
Dean Griffen
Ajay Patel
Sam Saporito
Jared Schultz
Ball and Chain
Alex Derbyshire ’19
Chapter Eternal
We recently learned of a number of brothers who passed over the last several years. Rest easy #BrotherMineForever.
Bernard Brenner ’42 | May 3, 2018
Morton Porter ’44 | March 17, 2015
David Koss ’51 | May 5, 2018
Albert Nipon ’51 | November 21, 2022
Sydney Gottenberg ’52 | April 14, 2020
Peter Fuhrman ’53 | October 17, 2022
George Gillman ’54 | August 6, 2023
Lewis Goodkin ‘54 | January 1, 2022
Ronald Meltzer ’55 | January 19, 2021
Jerold Rimm ’55 | 2017
Robert Adams ’56 | March 1, 2023
Joseph Beller ’56 | January 13, 2024
Sidney Lieberman ’56 | June 22, 2015
Jerry Lipkin ’56 | October 31, 2023
Lewis Muchnick ‘56 | January 2, 2023
Marvin Backal ’57 | September 7, 2022
Louis Garber ’57 | August 27, 2019
Martin Wood ’57 | June 23, 2020
Howard Worth ‘57 | November 3, 2022
Ronald Jaffe ’59 | July 18, 2023
Robert Lyon ’63 | July 8, 2021
Richard Racusin ’64 | November 24, 2022
Steve Goodman ’68 | March 25, 2021
Harold Levin ’69 | November 2, 2023
Christopher James ’90 | March 25, 2024
No news from your class?
Anything you’d like to share? Maybe you have a nugget of info about a classmate? Share your news, happenings, brother sightings, or brushes with greatness!