Kovner Banquet 2017

Kovner Banquet 2017

A new location, the old house, and a late infusion of RSVPs breathed some life into the 70th annual Kovner Memorial Banquet this year. Photos View photo captions and full sized images on Flickr The Old House in the house This year we were joined by three brothers from the...

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Chris Kerber

Brothers’ News – Spring 2017

Some Pi Lams are doing great things, while others… Mark Levin ‘86 – NFL Power Broker You wanna make a deal in the NFL? You talk to this guy. As the Director of Salary Cap and Agent Administration for the NFL Players’ Association, Mark Levin is keeping tabs on salary...

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Kovner 2016

Kovner Banquet 2016

The Kovner tradition endures because, year after year, brothers come to share the legacy of Pi Lam. And the 69th annual Kovner Banquet was no different. And yes, “69” jokes were encouraged. Photos View photo captions and full sized images on Flickr The 60s Reunion/Sit-In An unprecedented number of brothers...

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Mike Sanders reunited

Brothers’ News – Spring 2016

Some Pi Lams are doing great things, while others… John Di Domenico ’86 – Having a huuuuge year The only guy having a better year than Donald Trump is the guy who does a dead-on impression of the most popular and most ridiculous GOP candidate. Di Domenico plays Donald Trump three to four times a week at corporate...

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Homecoming 2015

Temple vs. Tulane: Homecoming Tailgate

It was mid-October and Temple Football was the winningest team in town! To celebrate this mind-blowing Philly sports milestone, the Alumni Association joined forces with the brothers from the 1970s for a catered Homecoming tailgate. Temple took down Tulane to go 5-0!

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Kovner 2015

Kovner Banquet 2015

One last snow shart from Mother Nature couldn’t keep brothers from the allure of the Diamond Club and the promise of sharing embellished stories of Pi Lam greatness with gullible undergrads. Photos View photo captions and full sized images on Flickr Bob Arthur welcomed those who braved the elements, and...

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Mark Levin

Brothers’ News – Spring 2014

Some Pi Lams are doing great things, while others… Mark Levin ’86 – Making sure NFL players can feed their families If you’re like us, the financial well being of your favorite NFL player keeps you up at night. But don’t worry, Mark Levin is on the case. As Director...

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Kovner 2014

Kovner Banquet 2014

For those of you who missed last year’s banquet or were too drunk to remember, we elected a new president of the alumni association, Donny “Boss” Hoegg. As a part of his official duties, Donny made a valiant effort to keep the brothers’ attention, but in spite of his best...

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