Kovner Classmates 1997 Kovner Banque

David Levitsky ’45: Chapter Eternal

Our living history is escaping us as the greatest generation, the friends of Alfred Kovner, pass into the chapter eternal. David Levitsky ’45 was one of those brothers. Upon receiving our latest mailer, Velda Levitsky, David’s widow, was moved to send us a letter and some photos to help us...

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2013 Kovner Banquet

Kovner Banquet 2013

The 2013 Kovner Banquet had a little bit of everything. A healthy collection of brothers from the 90s, 80s, 70s, a sprinkling of the 60s, and a statistically improbably number of undergraduates named “Malcolm,” were in attendance. Photos View photo captions and full sized images on Flickr Spring 1993 pledge...

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Convention 2012 group

At 2012 Convention, chapter stockpiles awards

PA Alpha Delta continues to distinguish itself among Pi Lam chapters. At the 2012 convention in Richmond, Virginia our chapter garnered an alarming number of awards topped off by Outstanding Chapter Operations. They also received Certificates of Achievement for Fraternalism, Philanthropy, Risk Management, Alumni Relations, Athletics, Campus Engagement, Scholarship, and...

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Our Town Documentary

Undergraduates Film Documentary

Undergrads Ian Rose and Yotam Dror are doing more this summer than boozing and working a horrible job, they’re filming a documentary. Unlike the unsavory videos that many college students are posting on YouTube (which is the likely the real cause of high unemployment among recent graduates), this is a...

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Kovner 2012

Kovner Banquet 2012

More than 80 brothers and alumni gathered on March 31st for the 65th annual Kovner Memorial Banquet. The Kovner Banquet turned 65 this year, and as a result will soon be enjoying retirement in Florida… inevitably wearing black socks with sandals. A few things we learned this year: For elder...

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Chartering Ceremony 2012

PA Alpha Delta is Rechartered!

PA Alpha Delta is officially re-chartered! On April 20, undergraduates, distinguished alumni, and IHQ dignitaries celebrated the official recognition of the PA Alpha Delta chapter at a grandiose chartering banquet hosted on the floating buffet, Moshulu. Brothers and their dates were served a banquet dinner, non-complimentary drinks, and seemingly endless...

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Dues subsidy

Undergraduate dues subsidy

There’s nothing fun about being a cash-strapped undergrad. We’ve all been there. Sure, we tried to find ways to scrape up money for the essentials: books, housing, Owl’s Nest pizza and cheap beer, but that didn’t leave a whole lot left, and as a result we’ve lost some good brothers...

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Eli Hoffman

PA Alpha Delta gets big ups at Convention

This summer Philadelphia played host to Pi Lambda Phi’s Leadership Convention, the annual gathering of Pi Lams and subsequent validation that most other chapters are weenies. You may remember as an undergrad, it’s not just an event; it’s an obligation! Days of exhilarating dialogue on eliminating prejudice, living the creed,...

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