Lynch and the 60s crew

Reflections on Brotherhood and the Kovner Banquet

In 1998, the chapter was in the throes of one of its (many) crises over the years, and our alumni once again answered the call to help by attending the Kovner Banquet in record numbers. Dan Lynch ’69, was one of the many brothers from the late 60s who came...

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Pi Lam tye dye letters

Brothers’ News – Fall 2020

Some brothers are doing great things, while others… Erik Sokolowski ’03 – A Crazy Caveman Emerges Erik pledged fall 1994 at Pitt. As with many freshmen away from home for the first time, it didn’t go well. But he persevered. After an unwavering commitment to the Phish concert tour cycle...

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Rich Vernick

Brothers’ News – Summer 2020

Some brothers are doing great things, while others… Rich Vernick ’87 – Dog is his co-pilot Rich Vernick is flying high with Fido. He recently posted on Facebook, “My buddy, Jeff, volunteers his time (and money) for an organization called Pilots N Paws. They deliver dogs from kill shelters to...

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2000 North Broad Street

Undergrads Move Back to 2000 North Broad.

Congratulations to the undergraduate brothers who recently scored a new, but familiar, chapter house — 2000 North Broad! How did it happen? The house has been vacant since 2018, when the previous occupants were unceremoniously asked to leave. But previous efforts to lease the house failed due to an inability...

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We’re on Instagram!

That’s right fellas, the alumni association now has an Instagram account. Follow us at @pilamtemplealumni. Yeah, maybe we’re a little late to the game. But dang it we’re hip and cool, and we’ve finally got a “gram” (which was totally different and highly illegal in the 80s and 90s). Don’t...

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Tont Laviola

Brothers’ News – Spring 2020

Some brothers are doing great things, while others… Anthony LaViola ’06 – Marriage became a reality (star) Tony LaViola is a fashion-forward, pharmaceutical consultant and golf enthusiast, living it up in Florida. He recently celebrated his first wedding anniversary with his wife, Million Dollar Listings Miami star, Sam DeBianchi. In...

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Tommy Walsh

Congratulations 2020 graduates!

Congrats to the 2020 Covid class! Unfortunately they did their cap and gown walk in their back yard, but they took home that magic shingle that will surely land them a job in either the the food service or housekeeping industries. Welcome to the ranks of dues-paying alumni! Meet the...

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70s Zoom call

Virtual Happy Hours Help Brothers Share Dumb Stories

We’ve always been a crafty bunch, able to dodge the rules that did not suit us, but who knew we’d embrace technology to stay in touch?  Our first virtual event for a group of guys of who grew up with rotary phones was a big hit! Initially the gentlemen from...

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Chapter Eternal 2019

Four Acclaimed Brothers Pass into Chapter Eternal

Sadly, we lost a number of PA Alpha Delta brothers over the last two years to the Chapter Eternal, including some brothers who distinguished themselves in their lifetimes and careers.  Philip “Sonny” Slosburg ’47 Three-time Temple football letter winner, Temple Athletic Hall of Fame 1979. Dr. Roland Moskowitz ’49 Doctor,...

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